Friday, September 23, 2011

Oh Those Lips of Yours.....

When I think of all the things we do with our lips it amazes me that people don't take better care of them.  We kiss, lick, talk, eat, drink, smack, pout, smile and so much more, don't they deserve to be pampered? Enter Intelligent Nutrients, USDA certified Lip Delivery Antioxidant Gloss!  Imagine smooth Coconut, Carmel & Vanilla balanced with juicy Raspberry and sweet Agave, all food grade ingredients. IN does not mess around their team believes "Everything we put in and on our bodies must be nutritious and safe." stating "We report to the planet." Love it! This is a brand new line for IN and we are tickled to share it with our customers. Try the Lip Delivery Nutrition piece or indulge in the gloss in either Purple Maze or Clear Frosting. Pucker Up, Look Sexy and be Sustainable! Visit our gloss station and your lips will never be the same!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bamboo Towels Make You Feel Like Royalty!

Nandina Towels are created through a unique process of spinning bamboo and organic cotton together to produce a product that is hypoallergenic and naturally mold and mildew resistant. They have the luster of silk and the feel of cashmere, but they are inherently strong and durable and will stand the test of time!

Please enjoy this Q & A with guest blogger David Eichberger

OGS: David, I heard you recently purchased a set of Nandina towels, is that correct?
David: I certainly did, yes.

OGS: Can you tell me what the towels are made of?
David: Organic Cotton and Bamboo

OGS: What made you decide to purchase these towels?
David: The softness, the quick drying and no mildew

OGS: Have you used your Nandina towels yet?
David: I have

OGS: How are they different from other towels you have used in the past?
David: They are much lighter, fluffier, they dry me off faster and very absorbent

OGS: How do you feel when you use a Nandina towel? What do you like best about them?
David: When I wrap myself in one the quality makes me feel like royalty!

OGS: Why should others consider purchasing a set of Nandina towels?
David: It is all about being eco-friendly but also the color offerings, no toxic dyes and I dry off quicker

OGS: Will you purchase another set of Nandina towels in the future?
David: Yes. Absolutely, I want to get rid of all my towels and use only Nandina towels

Thank you David for taking the time to tell us about Nandina, FutureFibers!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lunatic Fringe

I just received my Restoration Hardware dream catalog and on the very first page is a letter from Gary Friedman, Chairman & Co-Chief Executive Officer. I don't usually read these letters, just want to get to the most fantastic furniture ever. I was captured by the title of his letter, "Every Movement has a Lunatic Fringe."  I would love to share excerpts from his letter because as a female entrepreneur and go-getter, believing that one person can make a difference, I really appreciate his thoughts and references.  He speaks of one of our greatest presidents Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt and quotes a proclamation from his famous speech in 1910 at the Sorbonne in Paris. He says,
 "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles.. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who at his worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never by with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat"
 Gary reflects that "He lived in the moment with a disdain for the status quo, an eye toward the future, fighting for his beliefs of a better tomorrow for all."
Are you on the Lunatic Fringe? I will be pleased to meet you there, fore that is where I reside and plan to stay forever!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why did the fox cross the road?

Why did the fox cross the road? Answer: To find a concrete free area to roam  I witnessed this firsthand this morning and it broke my heart, and brought about an epiphany that I believe will change my life forever. Let me elaborate before you judge me as being melodramatic. See I've lived on the Northwest side of Houston in the "burbs" for a quarter of a century and over time have see the terrain change rather drastically. I guess you could call it Urban Sprawl! The fox ran across 6 lanes of concrete this morning with fear and confusion allover it's furry face. That same road was once a dirt road that became a two lane road, then 4 then 6 lanes of pure tree and grass free highway, also known as Hwy 6 North. When as a newlyweds my husband and I moved to Copperfield it was a new community with only 1 Mexican restaurant, 1 seafood restaurant, a gas station and a Kroger. Life was simply perfect! When I saw that fox running for it's life this morning a single tear fell from my eye and my stomach ached. What have we done, I asked myself. I say "we" because all of us are responsible for wanting more, bigger, better, now, now, now! I was planning on stopping buy the store to buy a new top for this weekend. Did I need another black top? No. Do I have many black tops and a closet full of clothes most of which I never wear? Yes. I suddenly was not in the mood for shopping. Instead I wanted to turn around, pick up that wild fox (not recommended) and release him into an area lush with grass, trees, bushes and friends for him to play with...This is the part where you will think I am crazy, in that moment I decided  I would only carry recycled, up cycled, vintage clothing and accessories in my store. We have a wonderful new artist in our store named B. Artise who wrote the book, Born Again Vintage. Bridgett reconstructs old clothing to make it new and fashionable. I starting wondering wear my sewing machine was at home and all the great outfits I could make from all the tops, pants, dresses and skirts already existing in my closet and drawers. You are probably wondering what reconstructing clothes has to do with Urban Sprawl, and a wild fox crossing the road....well I will tell you that if we take the blinders off and start paying attention to our surroundings, what we buy, how we live our lives and how daily decision's we make CAN and DO make a difference in the world around us maybe the air will be cleaner, our water will be purer, our family will be healthier and the creatures that God put on this earth will be able to continue to roam, eat, and live as they were intended. That's all...just think about it!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Here's to the Crazy Ones.......

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in a square hole, the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them, because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who'll do it."

Apple Computer advertising, 9/27/97
Sergeant Sherry Eichberger, Original Guerilla Gardener, Mission Possible I 7/29/11

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Safe Cosmetics Act 2011

My, non-toxic personal care products for all! If other countries have banned 1,100 unsafe chemicals from their personal care products and the USA has only banned 8 we have a real problem.
The Safe Cosmetics Act 2011 was introduced by Representative Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill this past June 2011, which would give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authority to ensure that personal care products such as shampoo and cosmetics are free of harmful ingredients.
The bill will do three important things:
1. Phase out ingredients linked to cancer, birth defects and developmental harm.
2. Require cosmetic companies to tell us everything that's in their products.
3. Set up a system to review the safety of cosmetic ingredients to ensure all cosmetics are safe for long and short term use.
Everyday cosmetic products including deodorants, colognes, lotions and even baby shampoo contain chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, learning disabilities and other health problems that are epidemic in our society.
Americans use an average of 10 personal care products each day, resulting in exposure to more than 126 unique chemicals. Toxic exposures from personal care products add to our daily dose of hazardous chemicals from air, water, food and other consumer products, and cosmetics chemicals have been found in our bodies, breast milk and even the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies.
SUPPORT THE SAFE COSMETICS ACT 2011 NOW!  For much more information go to  make your voice heard...for yourself, your loved ones... and future generations to come!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

SKINCANDO Combat Balm changing lives!

Rosacea, Eczema, Sand Flea bits, mosquito bites, burns, scratches, gun shot wounds all scream for Skincando's Combat Ready Balm.  Battlefield tested in 400 degree temps. in the deserts of the world, Combat Balm is the non-toxic Neosporin x 10 and gaining fans all over Houston and beyond. When I first met Skincando creator Sara Damelio on a visit to OGS last year she told me very directly without blinking an eye that "everybody needs this product!"  While she was in the store that day a beautiful, young OGS customer strolled in and heard Sara talking about her product and it's benefits. I left them talking about the customers battle with Rosacea, years of steroids, Dermatologist visits (and fees) while gaining not so great results. Sara told her to rub Combat Balm all over her face every day and see what happens. Weeks later that customer came by, walked over to the Combat Balm, then directly to the counter ready to make her purchase. I thought she really knows what she wants, then she said, "remember me? I have been using the Combat Balm regularly on my face and my Rosacea is almost gone! This product changed my life!" That my friends is just the first of many testimonials I have regarding this life changing product. Kate, a customer and mother of triplets has this to say about treating 2 out of her 3 with Eczema using Combat Balm. "After 3 years of a multitude of attempts and countless visits to the doctors we have found a natural product that performs as well as a steroid. Sherry at One Green Street introduced me to Combat Balm a bit more than a month ago. We apply it to my 2 children twice a day and their eczema is under control. They are comfortable and healthier as a result. We are so thankful!"  My family uses Combat Balm for EVERYTHING!  Whenever someone gets a bite, scratch, rash, acne, you name it one of us calls out "Where is the Combat Balm" or "Mom, can you put some Combat Balm on the sunburn on my back?" Throw away your after sun care, Neosporin and all other petroleum based, toxic products and give this product a whirl, you will be hooked forever!  Our soldiers in Afghanistan can't get enough of this miracle balm, it's a fighter just like them!
**Exciting footnote- We just received our 8 oz jars of Combat Balm for all our fans, we also sell Combat Ready Soap, Lip balm, and the NEW Combat Balm for kids and babies!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bombing Can Be A Good Thing!

I mean Seed Bombing of course....gosh, what were you thinking? I am a peaceful person! We recently bought a Seed Bomb vending machine from a company called GreenAid. It is a repurposed gumball machine that holds 350 seed bombs, each made of clay, compost and approx. 500 native Texas wildflower seeds. Just deposit 50 cents into our vending machine and you will instantly be the owner of (1) seed bomb! Fling it, sling it, throw it, plant it, and watch the beautification happen. You might be wondering which native Texas seeds are hand rolled into this unique bomb? Everything from Blue Sage to Purple Prairie Clover and Showy Evening Primrose.  You must come by and get yourself a seed bomb or two...once you are driving around Houston with seed bomb in hand you will be surprized how many grey spaces you will notice...medians, sidewalk cracks, vacant lots....Just do it, and feel good about bombing for once!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Piloxing with Anna

Today was a very momentous day for One Green Street! Today we held our first in store exercise class and it was not any old exercise class as One Green Street is not any old retail establishment! Anna Stump is one of only two individuals Piloxing certified in Houston and she was on hand to teach this interesting, exciting form of exercise to OGS patrons. Piloxing is a combination of Pilate's and Boxing, giving participants a fun but hardcore workout. This, our first day offering Piloxing, Anna and I were the only two Piloxing but had an absolute sweaty blast! will explain for you the creator of this unique exercise and anything else you would like to know about 30 minutes I was dripping sweat in our Healthy Home section when a thought occurred to me..."I am exercising in a store! How often can you shop, get a manicure & Pedicure, purchase the perfect one of a kind gift and have it wrapped and exercise all in the same space? We continue to offer additional layers to our already eco-friendly shopping experience.  You never know what might be happening when you take a walk down One Green Street but you can be sure it will be either good for you, good for the planet or both!!!!  Join us next week and every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. for Piloxing with Anna and you will become a true fan just like me!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Green Apps Unite!

I just started receiving E Magazine, The Environmental Magazine, and I am in LOVE! Everyone that cares about the condition of our health and our planet should subscribe to this magazine, I learn so much each and every issue! I would like to share an article titled App Happy by Lindsey Blomberg from the May/June 2011 issue. I talk all the time about the importance of voting with your dollars and the 4 apps I will mention can make that so much easier for us when we shop or educate ourselves on how and where to shop!
My favorite and have used it for a while is the
 Good Guide App- using your phones camera you can scan the bar code of whatever item you plan to purchase, and through a database covering everything from apparel to household cleaners to appliances, Good Guide will rank the product on measures of health, environment and social responsibility.
Animal-Free App -  Animal products and byproducts are found in more than just the meat isle. Skin lotions can contain proteins from cow's neck ligaments, for example, listed simply as "elastin." This app will snuff out all the hidden animal products in the items you purchase and even list alternative animal-free products comparable to the one you are buying.
Fooducate App -   If you want a better handle on ingredients, nutrition labels, marketing hype and health claims, this is the App for you! Currently only available for IPhones. Scan bar codes in the supermarket isles and they'll be matched to a list of more than 200,000 unique food products, allowing you to instantly assess real nutritional value.
Find Green App - - If you are looking for a nearby organic coffee shop or restaurant- Find Green, a GPS enabled app available in the Android Market can point you in the right direction. Once you choose your category Find Green will pull up a map with directions to get your there, as well as detailed description of the business, including address and phone number.

So now it is time to get h(APP)y.