Friday, May 13, 2011

Guest Blogger Tori Jade raps about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch!

Did you know that the state of Texas has a twin? It’s called "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” and lies in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. Unlike the state of Texas that is populated with people, this so called island is populated with trash. Enough trash for it to be compared to the great state of Texas! Most of this patch is made up of plastic items, which float through our sewers and into the ocean where they meet up in the Pacific. Not only is this hurting us, but it is also hurting the animals of the ocean and the birds that venture above. Birds might mistake these floating trash items for food which inevitably will kill them afterwards. In order to prevent the growth of this patch, our world needs to pitch in and fix this mess. In order to do so we can do beach clean ups frequently and recycle as much as possible. This is a great devastation and a mind blower that I will share with friends and family.

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